Birthday: June 29th, 1967 Family: Kim(wife), Kimberle Paige(daughter) Hometown: South Boston, Va Residence: Charolette, NC

Owner: Jack Roush Crew Cheif: Frank Stoddard

2000 Winston Cup

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Jeff is a member of the CocaCola Racing Family

Jeff Burton




The weather seems to be Jeff Burton's best friend sometimes! You wonder if his crew might just be doing a "rain dance" on cloudy days. I call them the "Rain Warriors"! Ok, even though Jeff has his luck, you can't argue the fact that he is one of the best of the "new breed" drivers on the Winston Cup Circut. Last year he had his career record of six wins. He sometimes may start in the back of the pack because of poor qualifying, but you can rest assure that Burton will move that Exide Taurus up to the front.

I like Jeff's personality. He seems to have fun at what he does, but he is intense. Within the next few years, you can bet a championship will be in his future.

1999 Winston Cup Career Highlights

Six wins, Two No Bull Million wins, and finished fifth in Winston Cup standings

1998 Winston Cup Career Highlights

1997 Winston Cup Career Highlights

1996 , 1995 and 1994 Winston Cup Career Highlights

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