The Valvoline6 Cowboy

I met Frank in the RoushRacing chatroom and then brought him over to Yahoo! He was so sweet! He changed his name for me. We have been chatting for a year now and I know he's got a big crush on me. Maybe one day we will meet. I hope so. Love ya Cowboy!




Ok now Shadow is the funniest Mark friend I have. He is a total sweetheart! He's another friend I hope I get to meet one day. However, he's holding a Mark Martin bear hostage! I need to get it home to his momma! By the way, my car is on my shelf!

He has his own webpage! Shadow's Site



Doug aka guy_gone_too_long

OK, now Doug's name suits him because he has been gone waaaay too long for me! He was my one and only love for awhile, but he dissappeared. I miss him alot and hope he comes back online soon! Doug, I haven't stopped thinking about you!






















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